By analyzing your company financial situation we produce a taxation-plan. With tax planning it is possible to increase your company performance, profits, economic stability and also make economy more predictable. More stable and predictable economy helps you to invest saved money further. We provide legal options to minimize taxation.
For example, entrepreneurs have a common problem of negative VAT (ALV in Finnish). One month VAT is negative in other words there is nothing to pay and next month VAT is huge. Alternatively tax-department pay VAT back to you one month and in next month you pay big sum of VAT for them. Makes no sense, but it is very common. We consult how you could fix possible problem and how to avoid unnecessary tax-transactions.
- Analyze of financial situation
- Taxation-plan
- Increase your company financial performance
- Get more stable and predictable cash flow
- Makes possible to invest further
- Based on hourly consultation rate.