PK Economics

Accounting services and financial management in Finland

At the end of the balance year even small details will be in order

Business services for foreign owned companies, with over decade of experience.

We speak English, Finnish, Russian and Estonian.

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Personal service

As our customer you will get a personal accounting expert, who will be responsible for your company accounting and who will also answer to all your daily questions related to your accounting. We save your time and deliver monthly electronic tax declarations on behalf of you to the tax department. Your personal accounting expert is responsible for delivering declaration in time. This is included in price of a accounting service.

Monthly reports

Your personal accountant will deliver monthly financial statements for you. Service could be described as reports for a management, numbers from these reports will help you in decision making. For example you can see how profitable your business is. Your accountant will help you to understand meaning of financial statements if needed. From our point of view reports and advising is a necessary part of service and therefore are included in price of accounting service. All monthly documents will be delivered to you in pdf-format.

Notes with financial statement

We deliver monthly income statement and balance sheet for you with notes made by our experts. In notes we will point for you topics that need your attention. This process helps to fix things before the end of the financial year.

Documents online

By request we offer documents and reports available online, so ask if needed. Service offers access to your book-keeping documents online anytime and anywhere where Internet connection is available.

For example if you need some documents, such as warranty check, you can get it anytime and anywhere by yourself.

Financial year

At the end of financial year we will make annual accounts and deliver income tax-declaration to the tax administration. These services are invoiced additionally based on hourly rates.

Progressive pricing

Pricing of our accounting services is based on amount of accounting entries. In practice this means if you deliver to us about 90 checks and receipts with VAT there will be approximately 270 accounting entries. With about 270 accounting entries your monthly invoice will be something around 598 €.

Features and services included in price of accounting
Additionally invoiced features
What we expect from you?


Contact us, or continue reading about audit preparations service.

Audit preparations

At the end of financial year we make annual accounts and organize audit related tasks for our accounting customers. If your company don’t have auditor yet, we can help to choose one from our contact network. Before audit you will get consultations on things that have to be fixed to pass successfully auditing. When everything is prepared, we will deliver your documents to the auditor. To prevent misunderstandings we handle communication with auditor, so you don’t have to worry about professional terms.

After audit you will receive auditor’s report and list of fixes need to be done, if there is any. Usually our regular process to fix things during the financial year minimizes fixes need to be done after audit.

Audition isn’t required for every company but it is recommended, because it may increase your company credit rating. Better credit rating helps you to get financing.



About us

PK Economics is privately owned company specialized providing financial management and business consulting services in Finland.

Our main business consist of providing accounting and business consulting to foreign owned companies based in Finland. We also provide service to open a company in Finland and translating services.

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We speak English, Finnish, Russian and Estonian.

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