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e-booklet, entrepreneurs guide > Taxation

A tax account contains information about taxes that  a company has reported with periodic tax return form and  payments with tax account reference. For example information related to employers contributions and value added tax (VAT) are collected to a tax account.

A tax account concerns taxes reported and paid by own initiative (excluding asset transfer tax and supplementary prepayments). Taxpayers paying on their own initiative do not receive any bank transfer form for this purpose from the Tax Administration. Before paying self-initiated taxes, taxpayers must calculate the amount to be paid and check the due date. Self-initiated taxes must always be reported using the Periodic Tax Return form.

Source: https://www.vero.fi/en-US/Companies_and_organisations/Tax_Account

e-booklet, entrepreneurs guide > Taxation

Planning to start a business in Finland? If you live, have address and bank account in Finland you can use online service for establishing a business, Perustayritys.fi. Also you maybe want to check following links and guides below first.

If you don’t want to spend your time on paperwork or online service is not an option, we offer also company registration service.

Guides and useful links:
Our entrepreneur guide in Russian language
Entrepreneur guides in different languages
– Liiketoimintasuunnitelma.com Business plan tools
Information portal for Entrepreneurs establishing business in Finland
Taxation in Finland
Finnish Entrepreneurs Federation
Discus topics on about entrepreneurship in Finland Forum
Finnish Patent and Registration Office, How to register a business
Business Information System

e-booklet, entrepreneurs guide




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